Tuesday 9 February 2016

Groundhog Day!

Do you ever get that feeling when you wake up that you've been here before? It's like you wake up and start the same routine all over again. I was struggling as usual to get my teenager out of her pit and get ready for the day ahead and she just responded with, "I can't do it, it's too hard!"
After I had explained to her that she better get used it because unless she won the lottery it was going to be the same routine every day for the next 50+ years it suddenly dawned on me!
I'm trudging my way through life in a permanent groundhog daze!
I don't know whether it's some sort of life crisis but I'm suddenly worried that I'll carry on trudging through life without making any significant differences to anything or anyone.
That's dangerous because you start to get carried away researching new careers, voluntary opportunities and life changing charity stuff that you can get involved in to pep up your life.
Would I be a good teacher? Probably not, I don't really like kids that much! What about a Project Manager? Not sure I can be bothered with all that! Project Planning? Well I do that now and I'm quite good at it, it pays well but it's just not very exciting!
Then again maybe I should embrace the routine and feel happy in it's familiarity. I know someone who has been through a life changing trauma and I know that some days all they want to do is roll with the mundane routine.
When a school asks a teenager what they want to do I'm amazed when some of them are so focused and sure of what they want. I'm well past my teens and I still don't know what I want to do!
Singer, writer, actor maybe. Radio DJ. Fraud investigator. Work in a book shop or maybe one of those  unique shops that sells cool stuff!
For now I'll carry on planning my projects and keep dreaming. I can change them up enough to get through Groundhog Day!

Saturday 17 October 2015

Where to start?

"I'm thinking of starting a blog!" I posted this on my FB account back in May 2015 and I got some suggestions of which platform to use and things to think about.
It's taken me until now, October to pluck up enough confidence to actually write something!
So then the question is where do I start?
I'm going to start with a memory. I recently bought tickets to see Adam and the Ants who will be performing songs from their iconic 80's album Kings of the Wild Frontier!
As a teenager I remember quite clearly evenings and weekends putting the shiny vinyl disc on my best friends record player in her back sitting room then singing every word and dancing every routine and actually believing that we were indeed Adam and his Ants. Or rather ant as there was only the two of us.
It reminded me of the importance of music in my life. I have so many great memories and so many of them are linked to music. I wanted to be a singer, at 45 I guess I still do and who knows if Adam Ant can still do it at 60 maybe there is some hope for me.
So that's it my first blog done! I don't know if anyone will read it, hate it or enjoy it but I promise I will try harder next time.